Arduino code to drive the motors on the uBotino and the RBS boards

Here is the code for the uBotino and the Robot Builder’s Shield to drive 2 geared motors using the onboard H-bridge:

#define Motor_1_PWM   5 // digital pin 5    // Right Motor
#define Motor_1_Dir   4 // digital pin 4  // change to 8 if you're using uBotino
#define Motor_2_PWM   6 // digital pin 6   // Left Motor
#define Motor_2_Dir   7 // digital pin 7

void setup() {
  // set motor pins as output and LOW so the motors are breaked
  pinMode(Motor_1_PWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor_1_Dir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor_2_PWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor_2_Dir, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(Motor_1_PWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_PWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, LOW);
void Forward(){
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, LOW); // forward
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, LOW); // forward
  analogWrite(Motor_1_PWM, speed1); //
  analogWrite(Motor_2_PWM, speed2); //

void Reverse(){
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, HIGH); // reverse
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, HIGH); // reverse
  analogWrite(Motor_1_PWM, 255-speed1); //
  analogWrite(Motor_2_PWM, 255-speed2); //

void Right(){
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, HIGH); // reverse
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, LOW); // forward
  analogWrite(Motor_1_PWM, 255-speed1); //
  analogWrite(Motor_2_PWM, speed2); //

void Left(){
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, LOW); // forward
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, HIGH); // reverse
  analogWrite(Motor_1_PWM, speed1); //
  analogWrite(Motor_2_PWM, 255-speed2); //

void Stop()
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_PWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_PWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, LOW);

As you can see, these are simple functions, like motors On, motors Off. If you want to change the speed, you can pass the speed values to the Forward function like this:

void Forward(byte speed1, byte speed2){
  digitalWrite(Motor_1_Dir, LOW); // forward
  digitalWrite(Motor_2_Dir, LOW); // forward
  analogWrite(Motor_1_PWM, speed1); //
  analogWrite(Motor_2_PWM, speed2); //

Then you can simply call:



About Gabriel (Ro-Bot-X)

Robots, nature, bees, and gardening, how do they mix together? After too much indoor activities one needs to get out and breathe! Harvest natural energy and create a little paradise. And ask the robots to help, of course.
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